All KS1 children (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children) are entitled to a free school meal.
At lunchtime (12.00am to 1.00pm) children have the option of bringing a packed lunch to school or buying a cooked meal.
Children are supervised and assisted at lunchtime by lunchtime staff (midday supervisors).
School dinners are prepared locally by the contractors Caterlink. The cost is £2.36 per meal and are payable in advance via the online secure payment management system ParentPay (each child is allocated an exclusive password for parents to use when paying for their children’s meals.)
The minimum payment is £11.80 per child. Children’s special dietary requirements can be catered for, and parents who receive Income Support or Job Seeker’s Allowance may be entitled to free school meals. Please follow the links below for Parent pay, to find out about Caterlink who are contracted by Gloucestershire County Council and to apply for free school meals. You can also find a menu for school dinners.
Packed Lunches
Children can opt for a packed lunch instead of a hot school dinner. We are proud to have been awarded the Healthy Schools Plus Award, and we encourage children to eat healthily. Sweets and fizzy drinks are therefore not allowed. For advice on healthy packed lunches please speak to any of the school staff.
We are a nut free school, so we ask that lunch boxes are checked carefully to ensure that no nut products are included.