From Summer Term 2021 all primary schools have been required to have Relationships Education in place and a Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) policy.
As a maintained school we have an obligation to teach children from Year 1 to Year 6 about aspects of RSE and I feel it is important that as a school we are clear about what that entails. The mention of the words, ‘Sex education’ can create unnecessary anxiety for parents and carers and I want to reassure you that the focus of much RSE in primary school is broader than you might think.
We use the Coram Life Education resources via the SCARF scheme of work. This fulfils statutory requirements and cover these aspects in every year group, gradually building up skills and content as the children move through the school. Term 6 is when RSE is taught, through the ‘Growing and Changing’ units of work.
Term 1: Me and My Relationships
Term 2: Valuing Differences:
Term 3: Keeping Safe
Term 4: Rights and Respects
Term 5: Being My Best Self
Term 6: Growing and Changing
This is very similar to the previous scheme, JIGSAW.
Parents can request that their child is removed from parts of the sex education programme, so please contact us if you wish to discuss this. It is important to clarify that withdrawal of your child would only be considered only for content that is not part of the statutory science curriculum. Please ask to view the curriculum content and our policy is available.