Our school has Healthy Schools Plus status and we were congratulated on the level of work that has gone into make the children’s lives healthier. All pupils eat fruit or a healthy snack at playtime and milk is available for all pupils and is free for the under fives.
Our school meals are monitored by the local authority to ensure they meet nutritional standards and include a vegetarian and salad option each day.
Water is available throughout the day.
Our children all get chance  to go to a local leisure centre to do swimming every  week at some point during the year. The grounds of the school are extensive and allow us to do many outdoor sports and cross country runs in the forest – closely supervised of course! We enter local school sports competitions.
We are able to use the Village Hall and field for sporting events like sports day. Pupils enjoy at least 2 hours of PE each week plus the opportunity to attend after school sports clubs.
Within the curriculum there are opportunities within DT, science and PSHE to study healthy lifestyles and this is enriched through visits from the Life Education Bus.
Pupils discuss how safe they feel in school and together we consider what each of our responsibilities are towards this. In maintaining a secure school there is no access to the school playgrounds after 9 am, when the gates are locked. The new reception pupils have a buddy who helps them from their first visits during preschool through to their first years in school. Within our small school, these buddies become life long friends!