Our Special Educational Needs Policy defines a child as having special educational needs if he or she ‘has learning difficulties which call for special educational provision to be made for them.’ At Soudley School, we believe that early identification and intervention is vital if we are to make appropriate provision for their needs.
From entry to the school, every child’s progress, behaviour and social interaction is tracked closely. If there are any causes for concern, the matter will be discussed sensitively and confidentially through a ‘structured conversation’ between the class teacher, parents/carers and the special needs coordinator. The child will be placed on the special needs register at the appropriate stage. This enables us as a school to be very specific in the type of support we give to each child or group of children that we are supporting.
We strive to ensure that detailed records of children are kept and updated at regular intervals, recording the stage of intervention as defined by the Gloucestershire’s Graduated Pathway.
Following assessment of need, a ‘My Plan’ is drawn up and reviewed with the pupil, parents and SENCO. If there are ongoing concerns about your child’s progress, further support may be given through outside agencies such as Educational Psychologist, Behaviour Support Team or the Speech and Language Therapist.
This would only be done with consent from parents, and communication would take place at regular intervals to update parents on progress.
Our school’s Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) is Mrs Jeavons.